Manage events or regular sessions?
Session Booker is designed to make arranging sessions managing, bookings and accepting payments easy, gathering contact details for attendees, obtaining consent for T&C’s / policies, sending confirmations and managing cancellations; all in one easy to use, online application.
Session Booker is designed to help Event / Session Management in multiple areas of operation with its core features:
Unlimited Scheduling
Accept Bookings
Process Payments
Obtain Contact Info
In-built Support
Even more fatures…
Processing Payments
Session Booker uses the Stripe online card payment engine to accept and manage payments. You can offer your clients the ability to deposit credit onto their Session Booker account, paying for credit of all major Debit and Credit cards. When your clients come to book, the cost of the session is automatically deducted from their credit, saving you the hassle of monitoring payments.
Multiple Clients
Session Booker takes the leg work out of arranging session times for multiple clients, giving them the power to choose and pay for their desired sessions, receive email confirmations and view all bookings in individual personal booking calendars; via end user accounts.
Manage Bookings
Session Booker also manages attendance limits beautifully, allowing you to set an optional attendance limit for any session, automatically closing the bookings for any session when the attendance limit has been reached. Session Booker also has the option to accept reserve bookings for any given session too – end users can easily cancel their booking online, or via the email link, and their place is then allocated to the first person in the reserve list for that session, with an automated email sent confirming the place allocation.
Unlimited Scheduling
There are no limits to the use of this application, allowing an unlimited number of sessions to be arranged, and an unlimited number of bookings to be processed and stored. What’s more, sessions can be groups into an unlimited number of custom defined categories, meaning this application can easily accommodate multiple areas of business that require bookings, whilst maintaining an organised and user friendly interface.
Customisable Branding
The application is also highly customizable, allowing custom branding and messages / text to be applied to the homepage and within the application itself. All email templates used by the system are also fully customizable, allowing any subject and message to be defined in HTML format.
Extensive Knowledgebase
Setup of any new system can be a daunting task for both you and your clients; however, Session Booker comes with an extensive knowledgebase full of easy-to-follow articles on how to use the system; written by the developer. A ‘Help’ link is always on hand throughout the system to aid you or your clients, reducing the number of support queries being directed your way.
Session Booker has already helped manage:
Regular Clients
Want to find out more?
Would you like to find out more about Session Booker system, how it works, how it can be utilised and more importantly – how it can help you deliver your service to clients? Contact us and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.