Host regular Capture The Flag challenges?
Challenger system is designed specifically for you and your organisations needs. With Challenger, you can host multiple CTF competitions, manage membership and generate leaderboards, all with ease.
Challenger is designed to aid CTF challenges in multiple areas of operation with its core features:
Unlimited Challenges
Built-in Team Generator
Generate Leaderboards
Auto Membership Verification
In-built Support
Even more fatures…
Host Unlimited Challenges
With Challenger, you can host unlimited challenges, as well as unlimited team challenges. For each challenge, you can define properties such as release and closing dates, difficulty levels or categories, and include as many links to external resources as you need, including links to external web pages, or CTF downloads.
Automatically Generate Teams
Hosting team challenges has never been easier. When creating a team challenge, you can decide how big teams should be, and when registration for the event should open and close. Your users will then be able to register for any team events from their dashboard, as soon as registration is open. What’s more, once registration is closed, you can easily generate the teams for the event, randomly allocating each registered user to a team.
Generate Instant Leaderboards
With Challenger, you and your members can keep an eye on where everyone stands, instantly. Challenger provides you and your members with the ability to instantly generate leaderboards for all members overall, a leaderboard per challenge, or even a leaderboard per team. What’s more, leaderboards can be displayed in more than just your standard table format, with options to breakdown each users / team’s share of the flags, with customisable charts.
Customisable Branding
The application is also highly customizable, allowing custom branding and messages / text to be applied to the homepage and within the application itself. All email templates used by the system are also fully customizable, allowing any subject and message to be defined in HTML format.
Restrict & Verify Membership
Challenger has been designed around membership exclusive organisations, allowing you to restrict who signs up on your platform, based on certain e-mail domains. You can easily define as many restricted domains as you like, prompting your users to enter their corporate e-mail address when registering. What’s more, Challenger will automatically approve a users membership through the unique link sent to their corporate e-mail on sign up, then encrypting any trace of that e-mail address after verification – ensuring your organisations / users privacy and security in the event of breach – after all, Challenger is a platform designed around hacking competitions!
Extensive Knowledgebase
Setup of any new system can be a daunting task for both you and your clients; however, Challenger comes with an extensive knowledgebase full of easy-to-follow articles on how to use the system; written by the developer. A ‘Help’ link is always on hand throughout the system to aid you or your clients, reducing the number of support queries being directed your way.
Challenger has already helped process:
CTF Challenges
Membership Verifications
Want to find out more?
Would you like to find out more about Challenger system, how it works, how it can be utilised and more importantly – how it can help you deliver CTF’s to your members? Contact us and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.